Coral Sea 9.28.16 3/4 day SRI

Posted On: Sep 29, 2016 at 12:17 AM

Coral Sea 9.28.16
3/4 day SRI

The Coral Sea is heading in from an amazing 3/4 day trip at SRI. We had a group book out the boat with the goal of lingcod limits and we got the job done! We caught several beasts, one at 20# another just behind it. The Rockfish were good in quality but it was a scratchy bite.
The Coral Sea is a go for Thursday's 1/2 day trip, lots of room, you can just show up. Bring your surface gear in addition to your Rockfish gear, we may go exploring. We are also scheduled for a 1/2 day trip Friday, which needs a few more to go.
The Stardust is 3/4 day Friday with a very light load too.
Book reservations from our website or call 805-963-3564 to book. See you on the water!

Coral Sea 9.28.16 3/4 day SRI-1
Coral Sea 9.28.16 3/4 day SRI-2

Captains Log

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