Stardust 9.21.16 1/2 day

Posted On: Sep 21, 2016 at 08:32 PM

Wednesday September 21st, 2016

Stardust 1/2 Day trip

Good afternoon folks we are just pointing the boat down swell to start processing the days catch after a very good day of Rockfish fishing in the deeps.

We got our today with 21 eager anglers and headed to the deep water where we found both excellent quality and quantity of Reds with a few Coppers and misc. Rockfish thrown in as well. Our group did an excellent job today feeling bites and winding into them as well as staying down to load up both hooks when the fish were really biting.

Our 21 anglers ended the day with 186 Reds, 15 Coppers, 9 misc. Rockfish and 3 Lingcod.

Both boats are going to sit in tomorrow due to weather and the Stardust will be back out on Friday on a 3/4 day. The Coral Sea will be 3/4 Day fishing Saturday and Sunday as well. Call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 or go to our website to book online.

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