Coral Sea 7.24.16 1/2 day report
Coral Sea 1/2 Day Coastal Trip
Good afternoon folks we are cruising around while the crew cleans fish after a very fun day of fishing the deeps. We were fortunate enough today to end up with both quality & quantity of mostly reds, ranging in size from 2-7 lbs. Some of the best local half day fishing on reds we've seen in a while...
For our 24 anglers who actively participated in fishing today we captured 240 fish total, with approximately 215 of those being quality reds and the remainder being mixed rockfishes including some nice coppers, boccacio, and chili peppers. Super fun group of anglers made today a very enjoyable experience!
The Coral Sea has 3/4 day trips scheduled Monday-Wednesday and the Stardust is scheduled to run 1/2 day trips Monday-Wednesday as well so please call Sea Landing at 805-963-3564 or go to our webpage and book your reservations today.
Coral Sea
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