Coral Sea 7.19.16 3/4 day Report
Coral Sea 3/4 Day Island Trip
We headed across to Santa Rosa island his morning knowing that the likelihood of being able to fish there all day was slim....We got in three solid hours of fishing before the conditions got sloppy and we had to head her for the barn. We enjoyed vey good fishing once again today on jumbo coppers, nice reds, and a sampling of lingcod.
Our 24 anglers today caught 42 reds, 148 copper rockfish, 11 misc. rockfishes, and 21 lingcod. Our passengers are taking home very nice quality fish today!
The Coral Sea has 1/2 day trips scheduled Thursday-Friday and the Stardust has a 1/2 day trip scheduled Wednesday and 3/4 day trips scheduled Thursday- Friday so please call Sea Landing at 805-963-3564 or go to our webpage and book your reservations today.
Coral Sea
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