Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day

Posted On: Jul 03, 2016 at 05:26 AM

Saturday July 2nd, 2016

Stardust 3/4 Island Trip

Good afternoon folks. We are making our way home in very nice weather with 39 wore out anglers on board. First of all want to thank our group today for sticking it out till very late in the day and staying positive throughout the day.

Today was a grind for us picking anywhere from 5 - 15 fish a spot with a few that didn't want to bite at all. We stayed on the deeper side of things most of the day and what fish we did manage were nice quality. For no lack of effort we never had a spot really react to our lines.

Our group of 39 persistent anglers ended up with 47 Reds, 84 Coppers, 35 misc. Rockfish, 16 Lingcod.

The Stardust is running a 3/4 Day tomorrow and Monday then returning to 1/2 Day trips Tuesday and Wednesday while the Coral Sea is running a 1/2 Day trip tomorrow and 3/4 fishing Monday- Wednesday . Please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 or feel free to check our website for availability on any of our upcoming trips.

Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-1
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-2
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-3
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-4
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-5
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-6
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-7
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-8
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-9
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-10
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-11
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-12
Stardust 7.2.16 3/4 day-13

Captains Log

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We will talk about this trip for years to come