Productive 3/4 day-Stardust

Posted On: May 12, 2016 at 11:44 PM

Good afternoon folks we are coming back across a churned up channel after a productive yet challenging of quality Rockfishing and Lingcod fishing at Santa Rosa Island.

When we arrived at the Island this morning we had anywhere from 8-10 knots of breeze which quickly increased to 15 knots and stayed that way most of the day gradually increasing. We found some spots today with eager Reds and Coppers however the conditions made it tough to capitalize on the potential we saw. Our group stuck with it and fished hard and we ended off on our best drift of the day that kicked out 80 + Big Coppers.

Our 35 Anglers ended the day with a combined catch of 137 Reds, 162 Coppers, 30 misc. Rockfish and 34 Lingcod.

Both the Stardust on there 3/4 Day Trip and the Coral Sea on its 1/2 Day trip are going out tomorrow so please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 to get your reservation for either boat.

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Captains Log

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