Coral Sea 3/4 day 10.28.20

Posted On: Oct 29, 2020 at 12:25 AM

Heading in from the islands -- flat calm all day. With 25 anglers fishing they caught:
232 rockfish
197 ocean whitefish
12 lingcod
4 CA scorpion fish
1 cabezon
1 halibut
And released a really mean sarcastic fringehead.
We worked generally shallower depths, adding in the extra ocean whitefish that comes with it. Our anglers did a great job twisting fins and hauling 'em up. Lots of porpoise and humpback whales to see on the crossing. Stardust has lots of room next week. Book online or call 805-963-3564

Captains Log

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Everyone caught their limit of lingcod and rockfish