Coral Sea 3/4 day 7.17.20

Posted On: Jul 17, 2020 at 10:28 PM

Wow what an amazing day today. We started in the shallows again and the sheepshead really wanted to bite. We also caught a few handfuls of Whitefish in there as well. once our condition changed we went out and loaded the bags with lots of nice quality Rockfish and Lingcod. It was one for the books today.
Only a couple of reservations left till the end of July so grab those spots guys and gals. The STARDUST has lots of room for Monday! Please call the SEA Landing at 805-963-3564 or book directly from our website WWW.STARDUSTSPORTFISHING.COM

Fish Count:

24 Passengers

239 Rockfish
69 Whitefish
60 Sheepshead
1 Cabazon
11 Lingcod

Captains Log

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