Coral Sea 3/4 day 8.21.19

Posted On: Aug 22, 2019 at 02:41 AM

Capt Merit - We're just headed down the coast from up off Gaviota on today's 3/4-day trip. It was windy in the outer Channel, forecast to lay down overnight tonight. We started our fishing about 20 miles up-coast in pretty deep water, but found few biters. Moving in shallower the stones were flooded with small stuff, square spots, half bandeds and stuff, and although we picked a few good fish off each spot, we kept on skipping stone to stone looking for the big reds, bocaccio and other rockfish. It wasn't until we were all the way west of the pass that the big bomber reds started to come up, and the little stuff had to hide in the cracks down there. Our folks kept at it and fished hard, and as a result there were some big bags full taken. 

Our final catch in the bags was:

24 Anglers

99 reds, 

40 coppers, 

4 whitefish, 

2 lings and 

100 bocaccio, widows, etc.

We have some room 1/2 day Friday. The Stardust has lots of room 3/4 day fishing Thursday & Friday.  Book online or call 805-963-3564

Captains Log

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