Stardust 3/4 day Charter 8.3.19

Posted On: Aug 04, 2019 at 01:24 AM

Good afternoon, Merit here, and we're heading back down the coast after slamming cod limits on a private charter by Rise City Church in San Diego. Despite our success I discovered just how spoiled I've become by the fishery up there. We'd had our choice of island with some swell or Augie's in the lee of Conception this morning. Lured by all those reds up there, that's where we went. And when what came up was the same mix as Rosa, somehow it didn't seem good enough. After clobbering limits for all, I spent half an hour metering the shallows for whitefish hard, but never found them.. we drifted beautiful San Augustine cove for a few minutes before starting our way home. 

Our final catch for 27 anglers and 4 crew was:

310 rockfish with 40% vermilion

2 lings

11 whitefish

We have lots of spots still on our 1/2 day trips Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday!  Book reservations easily from our website or call the landing at 805-963-3564

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