Stardust 3/4 day 5.2.19

Posted On: May 03, 2019 at 12:52 AM

5/2/19, 3/4-day open party Capt Merit

We had very nice weather today, and it looks to continue through the weekend, at least to Tuesday.
Our day started over at Santa Rosa Island, with 16 anglers plus Cuncle Russ fishing. First drop was on a ling spot in about 250 feet of water. and it was full bore that first pass. However it wasn't to last and got picky rather quickly, but not before we were well on our way to limits on nice lings. All had their lingcod within the first hour and a half, plus some very nice reds and coppers, however, we just weren't getting the numbers we needed, so headed on into some shallower water. There the bite built nicely and in a couple of longer drifts, time was up and limits of rockfish were in the bags. About half of what we got in shallower water was reds and coppers, plus we stuck a bunch of whitefish and released at least as many lings as we had already bagged.
Final count for our 16 anglers was limits of rockfish, limits lings, 38 nice ocean whitefish plus what Cuncle and I caught.
We are a go 3/4 day fishing Friday with Lots of room JUST SHOW UP. Saturday has some spots still. SUNDAY HAS AN ULTRA LIGHT LOAD!!!! Weather looks good all weekend. Please make reservations 805-963-3564 or from the website

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