Coral Sea 1/2 day 4.7.18

Posted On: Apr 07, 2019 at 10:53 PM

Good afternoon, we are heading in from a great day on the ocean. We had our best fishing early in the day, we caught lots of reds today with a few coopers and widows mixed in. We fished the deeper water all day and had some nice quality fish. Our afternoon slowed down a bit but we did hit one spot where double reds came up all around the boat. Fished a little late to put a few more fish in the bags before we had to call it a day.

For our 16 passengers that fished we caught 137 rockfish most of which we reds and 7 ocean whitefish.

We are 3/4 day fishing Thursday, 1/2 day Friday. You can book a spot now through our website or call the Sealanding at 805-963-3564 

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