Stardust 3/4 Day 10.5.18
Heading in from the Anglers Anonymous BATTLE OF THE BOATS FUNDRAISER. Weather on the coast was beautiful today. Tried a few different spots around the oil rigs and up the coast, picking a few fish off the stones. Each stop we were able to get some quality. Even though we fished close to home, we ended putting together a decent catch for those aboard. All and all the trip went really well and everyone on the boat had a good time, especially the younger ones that we had out on the boat today.
Our 34 anglers caught 1 yellowtail, 1 halibut, 6 ocean whitefish, 9 lingcod, 117 rockfish.
We are 3/4 day fishing Thursday & Friday next week. The Coral Sea is 3/4 day Tuesday & Wednesday. To make a reservation you can book online or call the Sea landing. (805)963-3564
Coral Sea
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We will talk about this trip for years to come