Coral Sea 3/4 day 9.25.18

Posted On: Sep 25, 2018 at 10:54 PM

Coming in from SRI. Great fishing right now folks. Got out with 17 anglers. Light load! Great weather! We did 1 anchor job for limits of whitefish again. Headed back out to the deeps and fished for some quality rockfish and lings. We had 5 to 6 going the whole time. Never got a boat bender but the ones that we were hooking were straight big coppers and lingcod. People are talking home really big bags of fish. Some have their 20 fish bag limits. Back out tomorrow. 

Total count for our 17 anglers: 

21 lingcod 

77 coppers 

28 miscellaneous rockfish 

170 whitefish 

Our next available trips are tomorrow 3/4 day island trip and Thursday-Friday 1/2 day trips. The Stardust will be out here fishing the same stuff Thursday & Friday!! Call sea landing at 805-963-3564 or book online at

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