Stardust 3/4 Day 8.8.18

Posted On: Aug 09, 2018 at 10:42 PM

Wednesday August 8th

Stardust 1/2 Day Trip

Good afternoon folks just heading in after a productive day of 1/2 Day fishing again with 23 anglers on board.

We started in the shallower water and found it to be very tough with all the bait associated with each spot so we decided to work out deeper. The deeper water was much better for us and we had a fun time catching lots of big widows, Reds and a few other assorted Rockfish. After a few stops we had close to all we needed and headed back to another shallow zone. Our last few stops we caught few short Lingcod and the rest of our Rockfish. The live anchovy was the way to go all day as the squid caught very little.
Our group did an excellent job and everyone has a nice bag of fish to take home.

Our 23 anglers ended the day with 230 Rockfish.

The Stardust has room Friday for its 3/4 Day Trip and the Coral Sea has space available Thursday and Friday for there 1/2 Day Trips as well. Please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 for a reservation or visit our website to book online.

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We will talk about this trip for years to come