Stardust 3/4 day 8.5.18
Sunday August 5th
Stardust 3/4 Day Trip
Good afternoon anglers, just heading in after a fun day of fishing over at Santa Rosa Island.
Our weather in the morning was very nice and the wind slowly filled in through the day becoming pretty choppy in the last few drifts. The fishing was very consistent in the morning and we were able to get anywhere from 30-50 fish a stop with a couple that rattled the whole boat. Once we had a good catch on board we went looking for other species however had very little to show for our time spent looking. Our last couple drifts we ran back out deeper and were able to top off on Rockfish and are enjoying the nice ride in.
Our 35 anglers ended the day with 350 Rockfish and 2 Lingcod.
Plenty of space on the 1/2 Day Trips on the Stardust Monday- Wednesday and the Coral Sea has space available on there 3/4 Day Trips as well. Please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 for a reservation or visit our website.
Coral Sea
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We will talk about this trip for years to come