Stardust 3/4 day Charter 7.28.18

Posted On: Jul 30, 2018 at 02:21 AM

Saturday July 28th, 2018

Stardust 3/4 Day Charter with Eric Langkusch

Excellent weather and steady fishing for us today. We had one of our regular Charter groups out today put together by Eric Langkusch with a nice load of 24 anglers on board.

We got off the dock early and headed up the front of Santa Rosa Island for our day. Our first couple drifts produced some really good quality reds and Coppers. Strong current made for short stops so we looked around and were able to get on some longer ridges that allowed us to pick steadily and give everyone time to get back down for multiple drops. After a few productive longer drifts we headed to a different area to look for some Lingcod as well as the rest of our Rockfish. Our game plan worked and our group enjoyed fun fishing on some more large reds as well as fairly steady Lingcod fishing.

Our 24 anglers ended the day with 72 Reds, 129 Coppers, 39 assorted Rockfish and 48 Lingcod.

The next days with room on the Stardust are 1/2 Day Trips Monday- Wednesday so please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 for a reservation or visit our website to book online.


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Everyone caught their limit of lingcod and rockfish