Coral Sea 1/2 day 9.20.18
Posted On: Jul 20, 2018 at 11:28 PM
Heading in from another 1/2 day trip. Yet again the weather was perfect. The fishing today was fun but we had to throw back a lot short bass. The plastics worked as well as the live bait. We saw a ton of fish on the meter and we had slack tide all day.
Our 20 anglers caught 31 sand bass 50 Released, 3 Calico bass, 27 whitefish, 17 rockfish.
Our next trip available is Sunday it is a 1/2 day leaving at 9am with a very light load we plan on bass fishing. Then we are 3/4 day Monday-Wednesday. To make a reservation you can book online or call the Sea landing. (805)963-3564.
Coral Sea
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Everyone caught their limit of lingcod and rockfish