Coral Sea 3/4 day 7.11.18

Posted On: Jul 11, 2018 at 11:52 PM

We fished in deep water all day out at Santa Rosa Island, the grade of fish were outstanding despite some wind and swell. Catching mostly reds and chucks with only a few jumbo groupers. There were a few spots that bent the whole boat but we could only get a few drops on them before the wind and swell pushed us off, having to reset the spot. 

The squid and the live bait were all that got bit. We had a few spots for some good lingcod we were shy of Limits by 1 fish. We have really nice bags of fish and happy anglers. 

Our 18 anglers caught 62 reds, 71 chucks, 36 miscellaneous rockfish, 35 lingcod. 

We have room on our 3/4 tomorrow and our 1/2 day on Friday. The Stardust has room on Friday & Sunday’s 3/4 day Trips. To make a reservation you can book online or call the Sea landing. (805)963-3564

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