Coral Sea 1/2 day 6.29.18
Heading in from a 1/2 day. The weather was nice all day.
We started out fishing deeper for rockfish and we got some nice reds and some mixed rockfish. We went in shallower water and found some more rockfish and whitefish. I almost forgot The calico bass were biting and the sand bass. There were a ton of short bass we did get a few keepers. We did release some Bass unharmed that were legal. The live bait and squid work the best but we did catch fish on the artificial.
Our 18 anglers caught 98 rockfish, 4 sheep head, 12 sand bass, 11 Caicos, 19 whitefish.
Our next trip with room is Tuesday & Wednesday’s 3/4 day trips. The Stardust is 3/4 day Monday, 1/2 day Tuesday & Wednesday with lots of room. To make a reservation you can book online or call the Sea landing. (805)963-3564
Coral Sea
Booking Fall Charters!
Room all week
light loads all week!!
Book fall/winter charters now!
Everyone caught their limit of lingcod and rockfish