Stardust 3/4 Day 6.7.18

Posted On: Jun 08, 2018 at 12:10 AM

Tuesday June 7th

Stardust 3/4 Day Trip

Nice day of fishing with great quality up the coast today with our light load of only 14 anglers.

Throughout the day we were able to steadily pick away off almost every stop with the majority of our catch being the larger Red. Our group stuck with it and we were able to top the bags off with nice quality Rockfish for everyone to take home.

Our 14 anglers ended the day with 116 Reds and 24 Rockfish.

The Stardust is a go tomorrow on there 3/4 Day Trip with another light load and the Coral Sea is heading out on a 1/2 Day With a light load as well. Please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 for a reservation or visit our website to book online.

Stardust 3/4 Day 6.7.18
Stardust 3/4 Day 6.7.18
Stardust 3/4 Day 6.7.18
Stardust 3/4 Day 6.7.18
Stardust 3/4 Day 6.7.18

Captains Log

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Everyone caught their limit of lingcod and rockfish