Stardust 1/2 Day 3.28.18
Wednesday March 28th
Stardust 1/2 Day Trip
Another excellent day of Rockfish fishing for us today folks. We got out with a completely full boat with 41 anglers and headed back out deep.
Throughout the day we had stellar fishing on nice roads coppers and grouper and with the exception of a short lull period almost every spot we stopped on bit. Our group stuck with it and despite the tangles we were able to load the bags up with nice quality fish for our day.
Our 41 passengers ended the day with 304 Reds and 106 Assorted Rockfish all in beautiful weather.
The Stardust is full for the next two days however the Coral Sea has room on there 1/2 Day Trip tomorrow and they are going to be 3/4 Day Fishing Friday with plenty of room at this time. Please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 for a reservation or visit our website to book online.
Coral Sea
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