Coral sea 3/4 day 12.6.17
Heading in from Santa Rosa Island beautiful but a smoky day. There was no wind or swell to speak of and just the right amount of current.
We started out deep and did OK, then we went shallow and did good, and then we ended deep. We had excellent quality fish, but it Took all day. We never got on a wide-open bite it was just a steady pic. We caught rockfish, whitefish, lingcod, a white Seabass, and a sheephead, A variety of fish that made all the anglers very happy.
Our 13 anglers caught 120 Rockfish, 5 lingcod, 74 ocean whitefish, 1 white Seabass.
To book a reservation you can do it online or call the Sea Landing. The coral sea is for sure running tomorrow still need people for Friday. The half-day local scene has been good. Stardust is 3/4 day fishing (805) 963-3564
Coral Sea
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We will talk about this trip for years to come