Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17

Posted On: Nov 05, 2017 at 05:23 AM

Saturday November 4th, 2017

Stardust 3/4 Day Charter

Good afternoon folks we are heading in here after a long day of fishing across at Santa Rosa Island today.

Our group was interested in fishing shallow so we started our day in a similar zone to yesterday and unfortunately fishing with primarily jigs and very little live bait we caught a few fish however it was far too slow to stay there for the duration of the trip. We worked west throughout the morning picking a few Coppers and a Lingcod or two off each stone. With our groups main interest being Lingcod and minimal time left in our day we made a final jump to one last area and as luck would have it our last couple drifts we managed to finish the day with a bang.

Our 35 anglers ended the day with 142 Rockfish and 70 Lingcod. Once we finally switched to fishing mostly bait our fishing improved.

The Stardust is 3/4 Day Fishing again tomorrow and the Coral Sea is 1/2 Day Fishing as well. Both trips have plenty on room so please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 for a reservation or visit our website to book online.

Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17
Stardust 3/4 day Charter 11.4.17

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