Stardust 3/4 Day 11.2.17
Thursday November 2nd, 2017
Stardust 3/4 Day Trip
Good afternoon folks we are coming back across here after a picture perfect day of weather across at Santa Rosa Island today.
We headed across this morning with 27 anglers on board and started out in the deeper water. Unfortunately the current was raging and we had to head shallower. We spent most of the day fishing with the smaller live sardine and it was by far the way to go over squid strip or a jig. We managed to stay busy the rest of our day with nice Coppers and a smattering of bigger blue Rockfish and some assorted Rockfish as well. Scratchy fishing for the Lingcod so we will see what tomorrow brings however as for today our group has a nice assortment of fish to take home.
For our 27 anglers we ended the day with 189 Coppers, 79 Assorted Rockfish, 2 Cabezon, 61 Whitefish, 5 Sheephead and 23 Lingcod.
The Stardust is going 3/4 Day Fishing again tomorrow is with a light load and the Coral Sea still needs a few people to make it out 1/2 Day Fishing so please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 for a reservation or visit our website to book online
Coral Sea
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We will talk about this trip for years to come