Stardust 3/4 day Charter 10.9.17

Posted On: Oct 10, 2017 at 12:45 AM

Monday October 9th, 2017

Stardust 3/4 Day Charter

Good afternoon anglers we are just headed home from the Ranch after a nice day of fishing for our Charter group today.

Our fishing throughout the day was a pick and scratch all day with a few spots that bit better than others however no one spot made our day. It was fun to watch the younger kids on the boat wind up nice reds, browns and assorted Rockfish. Unfortunately the south swell mixed with the wind bump from the east made for slightly uncomfortable conditions however most our group stuck at the rail all day. Everyone is enjoying the sun and what is turning out to be a nice ride home.

Our 26 anglers that fished all day ended the day with 188 Assorted Rockfish, 2 Cabezon, 12 Whitefish and 28 Lingcod.

The Stardust is 1/2 Day Fishing tomorrow and the Coral Sea is 3/4 Day Fishing as well. Both trips have plenty of space so please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 or visit our website to book online.

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Everyone caught their limit of lingcod and rockfish