Coral Sea 3/4 day 10.1.17
3/4 day trip Santa Rosa Island
A fine day at Santa Rosa today. Started out fishing lingcod, it was good but took a while to catch them. Then we made a quick three or four stops & caught some really nice quality rockfish you know Reds, grouper, chuckleheads and some big blues.
Our 22 people caught 40 lingcod 175 rockfish all in all a very nice day. We got another one of these tomorrow might be a good idea to get on the boat. We had a very light load, you can just show up for Monday's 3/4 day trip. Tuesdays 3/4 day trip is also a go with an extremely light load as of now. We then switch to 1/2 day trips Thursday and Friday. Please book reservations in advance from our website or by calling the Sea landing at 805-963-3564
Coral Sea
Booking Fall Charters!
Room all week
light loads all week!!
Book fall/winter charters now!
Everyone caught their limit of lingcod and rockfish