Coral Sea 3/4 day 9.26.17

Posted On: Sep 26, 2017 at 12:37 AM

Good afternoon everybody, heading in from another extraordinary trip to SRI. The quality of our rockfish was killer, unbelievably big and we had a few ling cod in the mix.
Today we had 17 people and we caught 170 Rockfish and 12 ling cod. We are going to do this again tomorrow and we have plenty of room. We are 3/4 day fishing Tuesday & Wednesday, then 1/2 day Thursday, Friday. Please make reservations now for any upcoming trips 805-963-3564 or from our website.

Coral Sea 3/4 day 9.26.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 9.26.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 9.26.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 9.26.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 9.26.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 9.26.17

Captains Log

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