Coral Sea 3/4 day Charter 9.22.17

Posted On: Sep 23, 2017 at 01:56 AM

Friday September 22nd, 2017

Coral Sea 3/4 Day charter with Andre Shvetsor

Good afternoon folks we are heading in after what turned out to productive day of fishing up the coast for our private charter group of 18 anglers.

Our morning started slow in the deep water picking only a few fish off each spot. After searching around for a while we headed towards another zone for the afternoon. Once we relocated we were able to locate a few stones that wanted to cooperate with nice Coppers, Reds and a few grouper. Our last hour or so fishing was by far the best as we topped the bags off quickly and headed for home right as the wind picked up. Nice traveling home as the swell is still minimal and the sun is out.

Our 18 anglers ended the day with 82 Coppers, 71 Reds and 27 assorted Rockfish.

The Coral Sea is chartered tomorrow and will resume its normal schedule on Sunday on a 1/2 Day trip with plenty of space available. The Stardust is charters as well tomorrow and will be 3/4 Day fishing Sunday and 1/2 Day Monday and Wednesday. Please call Sea landing at 805 963-3564 or visit our website to book online.

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Everyone caught their limit of lingcod and rockfish