Coral Sea 3/4 day 8.21.17

Posted On: Aug 21, 2017 at 11:58 PM

Another amazing day at SRI, jumbo white fish and lingcod. I mean really good quality today. I know we sound like a broken record but man was that good today. Our 25 people caught 108 rockfish 178 whitefish 48 lingcod and 1 sheep head . Not to mention the incredible weather and the dolphins and whales right next to us all day. We are back at it again tomorrow give us a call 805-963-3564 or book online. Both boats are a go with lots of room tomorrow 3/4 day on the coral sea and 1/2 day on the Stardust.

Coral Sea 3/4 day 8.21.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 8.21.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 8.21.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 8.21.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 8.21.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 8.21.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 8.21.17

Captains Log

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