Stardust 3/4 8.13.17
Sunday August 13th, 2017
Stardust 3/4 day trip
Good fishing for us again today folks. We left the dock this morning with a full boat of 40 anglers and headed back across to Santa Rosa Island with nice weather For our day.
We started our morning in the shallows again looking for a lingcod and despite some outrageous tangles we were able to stay busy for the first couple of hours. Getting close to what we need it we opted to head out to the deeper water to spend our afternoon looking for rockfish and hoping for the few more lingcod that we needed. We were able to steadily pick at nice Reds, Coppers and grouper along with an assortment of other rockfish. Along with our rockfish we managed to get the rest of our lingcod and headed for home with beautiful bags of fish.
Our 40 anglers put together 246 Assorted rockfish and 80 lingcod for the day.
The Stardust is heading out tomorrow on a 1/2 Day trip with a light load and still needs if you reservations to get off the dock Tuesday and Wednesday. The coral sea is full for tomorrow's three-quarter day trip however has very light reservations for Tuesday and Wednesday three-quarter day at this time. Please call SEA LANDING at 805-963-3564 or visit our website to book a reservation online.
Coral Sea
Booking Fall Charters!
Room all week
light loads all week!!
Book fall/winter charters now!
Great times with great friends