Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.27.17

Posted On: Jul 27, 2017 at 11:53 PM

Thursday July 27th, 2017

Coral Sea 1/2 Day Trip

Good afternoon folks... we are heading in here as the crew processes fish after a nice relaxing day of 1/2 Day fishing with our 25 anglers on board.

We opted to fish the shallower water today and had decent scratch fishing throughout the morning. Nice reds, a few browns and yellowtail rockfish made up the bulk of what made it into the bags along with a lot of smaller rockfish we released to hopefully grow larger for the future. The stopped sardine seemed to work the best today while the squid strips were less productive. With a really nice group of anglers out today and gorgeous weather it was a very nice day on the water.

Our 25 anglers ended the day with 73 Reds, 68 misc rockfish, 15 whitefish and 1 sheepshead.

The Coral Sea is headed out again tomorrow on a 1/2 Day trip with some space still available and the Stardust is going 3/4 Day fishing as well. Please call Sea landing at 805 963-3564 for a reservation or visit our website to secure your spot online.

Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.27.17
Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.27.17
Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.27.17
Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.27.17

Captains Log

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