Coral Sea 3/4 day 7.26.17

Posted On: Jul 27, 2017 at 12:27 AM

Wednesday July 26th, 2017

Coral Sea 3/4 Day trip

Good afternoon anglers. Today we got off the dock with only 19 anglers and with the weather forecasted to be nice we headed across to fish the islands again.

Our first couple drifts were fairly productive on lingcod however our conditions quickly deteriorated and once the current swept through our zone we had to go in search of. We also dealt with 15-17 knots of wind from around 10:30 and a pretty substantial wind swell making for rather uncomfortable fishing conditions. Our group were all troopers and stuck it out all day as we scratched away at a variety of fish for them to take home.

Despite the unfavorable conditions our 19 anglers tallied up 114 Rockfish, 4 Sheepshead, 37 whitefish and 29 lingcod.

The Coral Sea is 1/2 Day fishing tomorrow and the Stardust is headed out 3/4 Day fishing as well. Both trips have room so please call Sea landing at 805 963-3564 for a reservation or visit our website to book online.

Coral Sea 3/4 day 7.26.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 7.26.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 7.26.17
Coral Sea 3/4 day 7.26.17

Captains Log

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We will talk about this trip for years to come