Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.6.17

Posted On: Jul 07, 2017 at 12:05 AM

Thursday July 6th, 2017

Coral Sea 1/2 Day Trip

Good afternoon anglers. We are idling around while the crew fillets the days catch after a fun day half day fishing.

We got off the dock this morning with 26 anglers and headed out to our local shallow water area for the day to do some anchor fishing.

Throughout the day we experienced steady scratch fishing for the most part on mixed rockfish with the majority of what went in the bags being reds and browns with an assortment of other Rockfish as well. We also found some whitefish that wanted to bite however there were a lot of smaller ones that we released. Nice weather and a fun group on board made for a please day overall.

In total we put together 96 Reds, 51 misc. rockfish, 30 Ocean Whitefish, 1 Sheephead, 1 Sandbass and 3 Lingcod.

The Coral Sea is 1/2 Day fishing tomorrow with a very light load as of now and the Stardust is 3/4 Day fishing with room still available as well. Please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 for a reservation or visit our website to book online.

Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.6.17
Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.6.17
Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.6.17
Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.6.17
Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.6.17
Coral Sea 1/2 day 7.6.17

Captains Log

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