Stardust 3/4 day 6.15.17
Stardust 3/4 day
We stayed on the coast today due to the wind advisory at the islands. Headed up to our local 3/4 day zones and found some very strong currents that would allow for some shorts stops over each spot. We had fairly steady fishing in the morning, we caught reds, coppers and lots of assorted rockfish.
The current causes quite a few tangles and made for an interesting day of fishing but we still had fun and caught a lot of fish through our day. For our 35 anglers we ended up with 350 rockfish. The stardust is 3/4 day fishing tomorrow that still has lots of spots open, feel free to book spots now for upcoming trips on our website or call the Sea landing at 805-963-3564.
Coral Sea
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Room all week
light loads all week!!
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It’s always a fun day at Stardust Sportfishing