Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day

Posted On: Dec 28, 2016 at 12:26 AM

Tuesday December 27th, 2016

Stardust 3/4 Day Trip

Good afternoon folks we are enjoying the beautiful weather as the crew is hard at work processing our catch and our anglers are relaxing around the boat.

Our 36 anglers out today were awesome and almost every one of them fished every stop putting a nice day together by the time we headed for home. We started this morning looking for Lingcod and only managed to find one small ridge that would participate and were able to get a sampling on board before we lost our conditions. We moved east and managed to find a few spots that bit pretty well on nice grade copper Rockfish and some whitefish as well. The double dropper loops with Squid were the ticket for our Rockfish and what little sardine we had worked for the Lingcod.

Our 34 anglers that fished all day ended the day with 205 Coppers, 57 misc. Rockfish, 1 Cabezon, 38 whitefish and 34 Lingcod.

Both boats are out again Wednesday -Saturday on 3/4 Day trips. Nice weather forecasted so please call Sea Landing at 805 963-3564 or visit our website to book online

Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day
Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day
Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day
Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day
Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day
Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day
Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day
Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day
Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day
Stardust 12.27.16 3/4 day

Captains Log

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We will talk about this trip for years to come